Dengue Virus Real-Time Fluorescence PCR Detection Kit

Dengue Virus Real-Time Fluorescence PCR Detection Kit

This kit uses polymerase chain reaction combined with Taqman technology to perform fluorescence PCR detection of specific RNA nucleic acid fragments of Dengue Virus.

怐ProductĀ Name怑

GenericĀ Name:Ā Dengue Virus Real-Time Fluorescence PCR Detection Kit

怐PackingĀ Specifications怑

96Ā tests/kit

怐ExpectedĀ Usage怑

Detection of dengue virus (Dengue Virus) RNA can be used for clinical auxiliary diagnosis of dengue.

怐Principle of Inspection怑

This kit uses polymerase chain reaction combined with Taqman technology to perform fluorescence PCR detection of specificĀ RNA nucleic acid fragments ofĀ Dengue Virus.

怐Main Ingredients怑



96Ā tests/kit


Specification Quantity
PCRĀ ReactionĀ Solution 1700Ī¼L /Ā tube 1Ā tube
Enzyme Mix 300Ī¼L /Ā tube 1Ā tube
PositiveĀ Control 200Ī¼L /Ā tube 1Ā tube
Negative Control 500Ī¼L /Ā tube 1Ā tube

