Intended Use
The Syphilis Ab Rapid Test Kit is a lateral flow chromatographicĀ immunoassay for the qualitative detection of antibodies includingĀ IgG, IgM, and IgA to Syphilis in human serum, plasma or wholeĀ blood. It is intended to be used as a screening test and as an aidĀ in the diagnosis of infection with Syphilis. Any reactive specimenĀ with the Syphilis Ab Rapid Test must be confirmed with alternativeĀ testing methods and clinical findings.
The test strip consists of: 1) a burgundy colored conjugate padĀ containing recombinant Tp antigens conjugated with colloid goldĀ (Tp conjugates) and rabbit IgG-gold conjugates, 2) a nitrocelluloseĀ membrane strip containing a test band (T band) and a controlĀ band (C band). The T band is pre-coated with non-conjugatedĀ recombinant Tp antigens, and the C band is pre-coated with goatĀ anti-rabbit IgG antibody.
When an adequate volume of test specimen is dispensed into theĀ sample well of the cassette, the specimen migrates by capillaryĀ action across the cassette. Anti-Tp antibody, if present in theĀ specimen will bind to the Tp conjugates. The immunocomplex isĀ then captured on the membrane by the pre-coated Tp antigen,Ā forming a burgundy colored T band, indicating a Tp antibodyĀ positive test result.
Absence of the T band suggests a negative result. The testĀ contains an internal control (C band) which should exhibit aĀ burgundy colored band of the immunocomplex of goat anti-rabbitĀ IgG/rabbit IgG-gold conjugate regardless of color development onĀ the T band. Otherwise, the test result is invalid and the specimenĀ must be retested with another device.
1. Test Card Pouch
2. Sterile Lancets
3. Disposable Droppers
4. Sample Diluent Buffer
5. Alcohol Pad
6. Instructions for Use